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Bárður Larsen

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Fullveldi sum rikisrættarlig sjalvstøða

Føroyskt úrtak
Í greinini verður gjørd ein roynd at vísa á, hvussu orðið fullveldi verður nýtt um ymisk politisk og rættarlig fyribrigdi. Høvundin metir tað vera av stórum týdningi at halda hugtøkini fullveldi og sjálvstøðu hvør sær, skulu tey verða skilt rætt. Við itøkiligum dømi verður vist á, at verður farið Iætt um ymsar merkingar, kann fullveldi vera hent arnboð i hondunum á fólki við onkrari ávisari politiskari dagsskrá. Gjøgnum greinina gongur eisini aftur, at ein týdningur av fullveldinum er meira grundleggjandi enn aðrir; tað er fullveldi, ið er ein fylgja av rikisrættarligari sjålvstøðu. At enda verður nomið við mótan at siga fullveldi hava mist sin týdning sum grundarsteinur i altjóða samfelagnum.

English summary
Title: Sovereignty as Constitutional lndependence. The article is an effort to show how the term sovereignty is used to describe different political and legal phenomena. The author stresses the importance of differentiating between the concept of sovereignty and the concept of independence; those are not congruent terms, and much confusion arises from the mixing-up of the two. The author explains that sovereignty is a qualitative term, because a given political entity either is or is not sovereign, while independence is a quantitative term, as a given political entity may be more or less
independent legally, politically, economically and so forth . He illustrates by concrete empirical examples how the term sovereignty, when used incorrectly, can be a useful tool in the hands of politicians carrying certain hidden agendas. The author points out that one meaning of the term sovereignty is more fundamental than others; i.e. sovereignty as constitutional independence. In conclusion the author repudiates, what he describes as "the fashionable notion" that sovereignty as a property of states should have lost its importance as a cornerstone of the international community.