1580.24 - Drama as Literary Genre (BA)

Course number
Drama as Literary Genre (BA)
Students must have completed the required core component of the BA in Faroese. Admission may also be granted with alternative prerequisites. (Refer to the Programme Description in force).
The purpose of this course is to - afford students an understanding of drama as a literary genre and knowledge about European and Faroese drama history. - develop students’ skills to work analytically with written drama as a genre in the Nordic/international context.
Drama as a literary genre in a historical context. We will read works on theory and link them to older and new works on European and Faroese drama literature.
Learning and teaching approaches
- Lectures - Group work - Discussions - Student presentations
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, successful students will be able to demonstrate ability to: - explain the key aspects of European and Faroese drama history, - describe and apply the terminology of this research area, - analyse classical and Faroese drama literature based on the theory available and in the Nordic/international context, - interpret drama in accordance with trends in contemporary literature
Assessment method
Set written take-home assignment. Students have two weeks to complete the assignment.
Marking scale
Course book: Frode Helland og Lisbeth Pettersen Wærp: å lese drama – innføring i teori og analyse Universitetsforlaget. 2011. A selection of classical and Faroese/Nordic dramas in addition to articles and reviews will be read. A syllabus is handed out at the beginning of the course.
Paula Gaard