6516.22 - Day-care Educational Theory and Practice I

Course number
Day-care Educational Theory and Practice I
The contition for taking the course is that the student is enrolled in the pedagogue education
The purpose of the course is for the student to get fundamental professional knowledge in, and theoretical foundation about pedagogic in the pedagogical field. The students must also learn to kombine this knowledge with the daily work within the field, with the purpose to create a safe, developing and instructive environment for the individual child and children’s group.
• Laws • Well-being • Childhood and childrens views • Aesthetic learning processes • Didactics • Play • Formation, culture and socialization
Learning and teaching approaches
Lectures, groupwork, presentations, discussions, selfstudy and evaluation.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, the student should be able to: • Describe and estimate what distinguishes the daycare field as a working field based on the daily work and laws within the field. • Explain and analyze pedaogogical concepts and theory, that are relevant to the work in the daycare institutions • Analyze and interpret how children are formed, cultured and socialized in daycare institutions. • Discuss and assess which affect the attitude and role of the pedagouge can have on the childs well-being and development. • Assess the pedagogical work based on didactical concepts and theory.
Assessment method
Written paper
Marking scale
The reading list will be available on Moodle at the beginning of the course.
Sonja Olsen