6754.22 - Faroese – Elementary Level II - Literature

Course number
Faroese – Elementary Level II - Literature
A student of teacher education in the Faculty of Education, the University of the Faroe Islands
The purpose is to give students an understanding of literature and genre and to enable them to teach Faroese in Primary and Lower Secondary School.
The content of the course is: • Faroese in Primary and Lower Secondary School: Curriculua • Genres • Literary analysis • Children's literature • Genre-based theory and genre-based approach • Faroese and identity, culture and knowledge • Practical training in Faroese in primary and lower secondary school. This includes fieldwork in primary and lower secondary schools.
Learning and teaching approaches
Group work, class work, lectures, written assignments, practice teaching, talks and discussions
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course, the student should be able to • describe the content of the Faroese curriculum for primary and lower secondary school • define children’s literature • distinguish between different genres and to describe distinctive features of the genres • classify texts into genres • search for suitable formulas to help analyse different genres and to use the formulas in analysis • analyse and interpret different kinds of genres and compounded texts • describe the Teaching Learning Cycle and evaluate it as a teaching method • make use of the Teaching Learning Cycle as a method to teach different genres • describe the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics • assess the social doing in different texts according to Systemic Functional Linguistics • search for teaching material and to create teaching material • justify the choice of teaching material, and evaluate it • evaluate the academic and the general output of a teaching method • assess the role and importance of the Faroese subject in relation to identity, culture and knowledge
Assessment method
The student teachers start the course with fieldwork (practicum). After the practicum, the students must write and defend an assignment that summarizes their experiences in the practicum period. At the end of the course: Oral examination • 1 hour preparation • 30 minutes presentation and discussion
Marking scale
The students get the reading list before the course starts
Rakul Skaale Andreassen