6805.22 - Teaching Mathematics I - Algebra and Geometry from an Educational Perspective

Course number
Teaching Mathematics I - Algebra and Geometry from an Educational Perspective
Students must be enrolled at NÁD as preservice teachers.
To prepare the students to teach mathematics in grades 6-10, focusing in particular on algebra and geometry. The students should develop a clear understanding of the mathematical content in Faroese primary school. In addition, the students should acquire research-based knowledge on how teaching can be planned and completed in relation to this content in order to support pupils’ development, while taking into account pupils’ varying cognitive and social preconditions.
The main themes in course are: • Generalizations, equations, and functions. • Interest calculations, problem solving, model development in mathematics. • Classical and analytical Geometry, including reasoning, argumentation, and proof. • Trigonometry and non-Euclidean geometry. • Mathematics curriculum in the Faroese primary school. • Teaching materials, methods, and evaluation in mathematics teaching.
Learning and teaching approaches
Groupwork, class assignments, lectures, self-study, home assignments, presentations and classroom discussions.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to: • Explain mathematical content within algebra and geometry in grades 6-10 in the Faroese primary school. • Solve tasks that are suitable for pupils in grades 6-10, including modeling and problem-solving tasks. • Show examples of investigative and deductive methods in mathematics teaching. • Reflect and contemplate on research related to development of understanding of numbers and methods in arithmetic and algebra. • Explain and justify how a teacher can prepare, complete, and evaluate inspirational and substantial mathematics teaching, with reference to mathematics education theory.
Assessment method
Active participation: Throughout the course, students are required to hand in several assignments such as overview papers, presentations, and written tests. These assignments must be passed.
Marking scale
Choice of texts and other materials will be provided before the commencement of the course.
Ingi Heinesen Højsted