8935.24 - Rehabilitation. Quality Assurance and Improvement. Healthcare Technology.

Course number
Rehabilitation. Quality Assurance and Improvement. Healthcare Technology.
To enable students to analyse key elements and factors in rehabilitation. For students to acquire the skills needed to assess opportunities and drawbacks of the use of health technology in nursing. For students to a acquire knowledge about and an understanding of quality assurance and quality development in nursing.
Teaching and learning contents: · Health technology · Health technology and its impact on nursing · Digital health competence · Digitalisation from an ethical perspective · Health technology and relationships · Kari Martinsen: the perceiving and recording eye · Research and development projects in health technology · Responsibility and reliability in relation to self monitoring · Rehabilitation as theory and practice · ICF rehabilitation formula: assessing rehabilitation capacities · White book on rehabilitation · The rehabilitation process · Cross-disciplinary cooperation in rehabilitation · Aid tools and rehabilitation · Target groups · REHPA and recovery-based rehabilitation · The connection between rehabilitation and person-centred care · Rehabilitation legislation · Change management and innovation in the healthcare system · Quality assurance and quality development in the healthcare system · Implementation of evidence in practice · PDSA and the improvement model · Healthcare incidents (unintended events) and patient safety
Learning and teaching approaches
Learning and teaching alternates between lectures, dialogues, group work and self-study.
Learning outcomes
Successful students can demonstrate ability to: · describe research and development projects in health technology · explain the role, competence and responsibility of nurses in relation to health technology · explain ethical considerations in relation to the use of health technology in nursing · explain the concept of tech understanding and perception · reflect on health technology in clinical nursing · explain rehabilitation as theory and practice · explain the role, competence and responsibility of nurses in relation to rehabilitation processes · explain the rehabilitation process · draw on the rehabilitation process to assess rehabilitation needs · asses research and development projects in rehabilitating nursing · describe the contents of the concept of patient safety · describe theories on quality development in relation to the nursing profession · explain the strength of evidence in clinical guidelines · explain quality development based on the Model of Improvement · reflect on opportunities and obstacles in the implementation of research and development results in the nursing profession
Assessment method
Written group assignment
Marking scale
See course plan
Sonja Nielsen