1483.24 - Gender and medieval stories in the Ballads of Sjúrður (MA)

Course number
Gender and medieval stories in the Ballads of Sjúrður (MA)
Students must have completed a BA in Faroese or hold an equivalent qualification. Admission may also be granted under alternative prerequisites (refer to the programme description in force).
The purpose of this course is for students to acquire fundamental insight into the ballads of Sjúrður, knowledge about other literature centred on the figure Sjúrður, as well as the ability to analyse the ballads applying relevant theories.
We will engage in close reading of the ballads of Sjúrður, and read Völsunga saga, excerpts from the saga of Dietrich von Bern and Nibenlungenlied, and other literature about Sjúrður, as well as relevant theories on gender and literature.
Learning and teaching approaches
Lectures and student presentations.
Learning outcomes
Students who successfully complete the course can demonstrate ability to: • analyse and assess ballads as a genre • discuss relevant gender theory in analysis demonstrating adequate scholarly distance • describe and analyse ballads drawing on oral literature theory • carry out literary and gender theory analyses of the ballads of Sjúrður • analyse the ballads drawing on stories about the same ballad cycle
Assessment method
Oral half-hour presentation with three-day preparation time on a set topic.
Marking scale
Provisional bibliography: Sjúrðarkvæðini – the variation transcribed by J. H. Schrøter in 1818. Føroya kvæði. Corpus Carminum Færoensium. 1951-63. A Sv. Grundtvig et J. Bloch Comparatum. Band l. Ritstj. N. Djurhuus and Chr. Matras. Ejnar Munksgaard, Kopenhagen Ballads – New Approaches. Kvæði – nýggj sjónarmið. 2018. Ritstj. Malan Marnersdóttir, Eyðun Andreassen, Sanna A. Dahl, Tina K. Jacobsen, and Erling Isholm. H. N. Jacobsens bókahandil, Fróðskapur. Faroe University Press, Tórshavn Kamban, Brynhild. 2020. Kenn mær einki um. Kyn, frásagnarviðurskifti og frábrigdi í Sjúrðarkvæðunum. Setursrit 11. Fróðskapur, Faroe University Press, Tórshavn In addition, we will read selected articles on the subject. The bibliography will be circulated on Moodle by the start of the course, at the latest.
Brynhild Wentzelsdóttir Kamban