6117.23 - Law of Associations

Course number
Law of Associations
Bachelor’s degree with adequate component of law.
The objective of the course is to give the student an insight into the law of association in a Faroese context, with an emphasis on capital companies, how activities are organized in companies, the formal structure, of rights and obligations for the companies and the stakeholders.
The topics covered by the course will be: - The legal sources on the law of association, - How an association or a company is founded, altered and liquidated, - Matters of membership, membership rights and obligations, - Leading an association or a company, - Representation and liability, - On capital companies, including companies with limited liability, - Shareholders and capitalization, - Board meetings and general meetings, - Annual reports, - On liquidation, insolvency, bankruptcy and reconstruction.
Learning and teaching approaches
Approx. 40 hours of student time confrontation. The teaching consists of lectures, critical discussions, work in groups, student presentations and other forms of active student centered learning.
Learning outcomes
After completing this course, the students shall be able to: - Describe the main concepts and sources of law on associations. - Describe the structure of associations and companies and their purpose and their role. -Assess legal issues concerning associations and companies, including the formal importance of documents and actions made by the leadership and other bodies in the association, on liquidation, bankruptcy and reconstruction. - Analyze structure, membership and shareholder matters, contractual obligations the association or company enter in to. - Identify relevant legal issues and facts in different contexts, regarding the law of associations. - Critically assess, evaluate and present different solutions for various types of legal matters. - Present and formulate knowledge and arguments in a correct manner both orally and in writing.
Assessment method
A multiple choice exam in the middle of the course will count for 25% of the grade, and a written 24 hours take home exam at the end of the course will count for 75 % of the grade. A precondition for passing the overall course is that the student has passed both exam components.
Marking scale
The basic reading materials are: - Ole Hasselbalch, Foreningsret [Law on associations] Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag (latest edition). - Parts of Søren Friis Hansen og Jens Valdemar Krenchel, Introduktion til dansk selskabsret I [Introduction to Danish company law]. Karnov Group (latest edition). There will also be a selection of texts from Dansk Privatret [Danish Private law], Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag (latest edition). Additional course materials, as academic articles and judgments, will be available prior to teaching on the Moodle network.
Jóhan Jógvansson Lamhauge