Although the Faroe Islands is geographically small, the annual precipitation may vary from about 900mml/year to more then 4000mml/year, which in turns provides highly variable forcing of the the estuarine  circulation in the nearby fjords. Here we attempt to define the main watersheds, and estimate the freshwater flux for each of the about 250 defined 'main' rivers for numerical ocean model efforts.

Left: Elevation of rain gauges as function of the mean annual precipitation from available precipitation in various sources (E, Davidsen, 1994, SEV, DMI, LV). Riht: Map showing the position of the measurements stations (Squares) and the defined 'main-river' from each defined watershed.

  • Unn H. á Lað, COSUrFI/Torshavn College
  • Knud Simonsen, COSUrFI

Funded by:
  • University of the Faroe Islands

In progress