Regarding the Corona virus
From the Rector regarding the Corona virus
I am writing to you to advise you of the current situation with regard to the developments with the coronavirus – which I presume you will already have some knowledge of.
I am writing mostly to reassure you that the University leadership is monitoring the situation and is in contact with the relevant authorities for information and for advice. We will continue to do that and will keep you advised as to any action which it may be necessary for us to take if and as the situation develops.
At this stage I understand that the first case of the virus has been confirmed on the Faroe Islands (thankfully the person is not very unwell, it seems). I am seeking advice as to whether this case may have any direct implications for us at the University at this stage.
Meantime, we are all advised to follow the instructions from the Chief Medical Officer in the Faroe Islands (Landslæknin), and first and foremost to wash our hands very thoroughly and often, and to cover our mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and to cough or sneeze into the elbow rather than into the hand – or into a tissue which is then disposed of safely (and again, wash the hands!).
Please read the Chief Medical Officer´s instructions here – or at some other source via an internet search.
The Danish health auhtorities have opened a Corona hotline for everyone to use – as necessary. The number is +45 72 22 74 59 and it is open between 7:30 and 14:30 Faroese time. On their website you can read (in Danish) Q&A´s about the virus.
The English site is under construction. Click here.
Otherwise we all must be guided by reason and common sense, and take sensible precautions to limit the possibility or likelihood of infection spreading.
Students or staff who feel ill, should of course stay at home and follow the instructions to call their own general practitioner, and then advise us of the situation if needed.
In that case, please contact Student Services on +298 352520 or +298 292504 (out or working hours).
Like everyone else, we very much hope that the situation will not become very serious or problematic, but we will monitor the situation closely and advise you further as and when appropriate.
Please take care.
Yours faithfully
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