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Program (details tba)

13.-14. May 2025, Tórshavn/hybrid


Day 1

08.30-09.00: Official opening

09.00-10.00: Thematic presentations:

  • Climate changes and adaptation
  • Sustainable development and innovation
  • Infrastructure 
  • Building and construction
  • Monitoring and data
  • Security and Society 

10.00-10.30: Coffee Break

10.30-12.00: Breakouts along above themes

12.00-12.30: Plenum feedback from working groups

12.30-13.15: Lunch

13.15-14.30: Introduction to and committee work in Arctic working groups (education, logistics & research)

14.30-15.00: Feedback and take-aways from groups

15.00-15.45: Improving research collaboration in the Realm: Panel discussion

15.45-16.00: IASC Arctic Science Summit Week 2026 in Aarhus

16.00-17.00: Poster session and networking

19.00-22.00: Dinner

Day 2

09.00-10.00: Arctic research in the Realm: Thoughts from funders 

10.00-11.00: Working group plenum presentations on possible themes and avenues for further cooperation

11.00-12.00: Road trip departure and lunch on the way

12.00-17.00: Industry visits (TBA) followed by excursion. 

17.00: Return to Tórshavn - goodbye