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Sameining av GPS og BeiDou

Gethin Roberts hevur skrivað grein í altjóða tíðarriti um sameining av GPS og BeiDou tøkni, sum betrar um knattstøður.

Gethin Wyn Roberts hevur saman við starvsfelagum frá University of Nottingham Ningbo China útgivið vísindaliga grein við úrslitum frá eini sameining av datum frá GPS og BeiDou fylgisveinadátum, ið betra um neyvleikan á knattstøðum. Hendan serstaka greinin setur sjóneykuna á sokallaðu “position error amplify indicator” og “variance amplify indicator”.

Les meira niðanfyri í enska tíðindastubbanum.

Integration of GPS and BeiDou for a Better Position
The USA’s Global positioning system is now prolific in its use.  All smart phones have the capabilities of positioning using this system, as well as ‘satnav’ systems in cars, and many more tracking and navigation tools.  The first GPS satellite was launched in 1978, mainly focussed as a military system with some civilian capabilities.  Originally aiming at giving the USA authorised personnel an accuracy of better than 20 metres, and everyone else 100 metres, as well as being able to access precise time.  Today, however, the civilian applications have increased dramatically, and it is possible to obtain accuracies of better than 10 metres with standard positioning using GPS, such as in smart phones or satnav systems, and even accuracies at the 1 metre level, and even precision at the centimetre level or better with specialised equipment.  However, GPS has its limitations and vulnerabilities. Other similar Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) exist, such as the European Galileo, Russian GLONASS and the Chinese BeiDou.  These systems are also available in most modern smartphones.  The integration of GPS with the other GNSS results in more satellites being available for positioning, and improved accuracy and precision.  Resent research work by Gethin Wyn Roberts at Fróðskaparsetur and colleagues at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China shows the advantages of integrating GPS with BeiDou.  This work was recently published in the Elsevier Journal of Measurement, Journal of the International Measurement Confederation.  This international scientific journal, with an impact factor value of 2.359, publishes peer reviewed papers focussing on various measurement techniques and instrumentation.  This study presents the position error amplify indicator and variance amplify indicator to assess the geometry and carrier phase measurement contributions for the position precision improvement in GPS/BDS standalone and integration system applications.  The research illustrates how the precision and availability of a position increases through the integrated approach.
The full paper is available at the Measurement web page or from the following link