Upcoming events
March 2021: Presentation day about research in health sciences in The Center of Health Science.
Past events
January 2019: Presentation day about research in health sciences in The Center of Health Sciences
In January 2019 there was a day arranged in Kongshøll, where all researchers in the health sciences had the opportunity to present their research. The day was very successful with presentations from 22 researchers, that got 5 minutes each to present an overall view of their research. This was a great method to get an insight in each other’s research and health sciences research in the Faroe Islands. The intention is that this will be a recurring event.
PhD courses that have been offered by the center:
Basic principles of epidemiology , organized in 2017 by Shahin Gaini, yvirlækna á LS (https://www.gransking.fo/en/resources/calendar/basic-course-in-epidemiology-for-phd-students/).
A total of 15 participants took part, who all had their workplace in the three institutions behind the center. Marin Strøm, associate professor and Sjúrður Olsen, adjunct professor both from the University of the Faroe Islands taught the course.
R for statistics - basic course in the statistical program R and RStudio, forganized by Maria Skaalum Petersen in August 2019 (27. Aug to 29. Aug 2019), where researchers from the co-operation institutions attended for free (https://www.setur.fo/fo/setrid/tiltok/r-for-statistics/).
A total of 15 participants took part, 12 from the co-operation institutions, while 3 were external participants. The course was taught by Kasper Kyhl, MD from LS, and Ólavur Mortensen, PhD student at the Genetic biobank, enrolled at the University of the Faroe Islands.