Central Administration Office
Faroese Title: Setursskrivstovan a.k.a. SSS
About the Central Administration Office
The University Central Administration Office is linked to the rectorship as the University’s management office and central administration. The Office’s responsibilities include drawing up and coordinating draft budgets and appropriations, in addition to authorising payments, recording entries in the Faroese public accounts financial management system (FSL) and monitoring any grants awarded. The Office is responsible for the University’s accounting and also administers funds, bursaries and grants.
Other tasks carried out by the Office are mostly related to statutory requirements and internal regulations, meetings in different committees, staff matters, journals, maintaining the registry (student enrolment, external examiners, examinations, diplomas and certificates, etc.), organising Board elections, preparing annual reports and other information materials, public courses, public lectures, prizes arranged by the University, study trip grants, cooperation and communication with other institutions in the Faroes and abroad.