Faculty of History and Social Sciences
In Faroese: Søgu- og samfelagsdeildin a.k.a. SSD
About the Faculty of History and Social Sciences
The Faculty of History and Social Sciences considers that its main tasks are to:
- Grow, develop and preserve knowledge resources in the Faroes in the areas of history, politics, economics, ethnology and law.
- Offer degree programmes in the Faroes taught by our own faculty, to the extent possible.
- Offer degree programmes in the Faroes in cooperation with education institutions abroad, when our own resources are insufficient.
- Guarantee the quality of our degree programmes and courses, and focus on promoting quality through thorough planning and use of recognised quality development procedures.
- Reserve 50% of our academic staffs’ time for research published in international scientific journals, papers or at conferences.
- Assure and promote the quality of our research through cooperation with the international research community.
- Be the first institution people turn to in the Faroes for higher education or knowledge resources in the fields of history, politics, economics, ethnology and law.
The Faculty of History and Social Sciences undertakes research in several areas. Our current focus is on the Faroe Islands from 1939 to today, pilot whale hunting, drinking customs in the Faroes, and the history of the healthcare system. We also study the situation of small nations in terms of politics, the labour market and the financial conditions for industry.
Degree Programmes
Our degree programmes are the second pillar of our Faculty, education is a significant component of our Facultiess tasks. As part of our efforts to meet our goal in this area, we offer applicants several programmes to choose from, including bachelor and post-graduate degrees.
In addition to education and research, the Faculty is also tasked with offering consultancy in its academic fields, as well as informing the public about the results of our research and our methods. We disseminate information in media articles, papers published in scientific journals and book publications.
To the right you'll find links to the different bachelor's and master's programmes at the Faculty of History and Social Sciences. Note that the information on these pages is not translated into English--other than the programme titles. Only the information about one of the programmes, West Nordic Studies, is in English.