Halgir Winther Poulsen
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Eru Føroyingar Tjóð?
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Spurningurin, um føroyingar eru tjóð, hevur verið nógv frammi seinastu tíðina. Í greinini verður sagt, at svarið er sjálvsagt, sjalvandi eru føroyingar serstøk tjóð, og bert føroyingar sjálvir kunnu broyta tann
veruleikan. Høvundin roynir tó at greina nøkur av viðkomandi hugtøkunum sum fólk, tjóð og land, bæði másliga og í altjóða lóg. Týðandi hugtøk verða viðgjørd í politiskum og lógar høpi eftir arnerikansku og fronsku kolveltingarnar, eftir fyrra og seinna heimskríggj, í ST-viðtøkum og at enda innan europeiska felagskapin fyri trygd og trivna (OSCE). Í niðurstøðuni metir høvundin, føroyingar uttan iva lúka krøvini í altjóðarætti at vera nevndir tjóð og at hava sjálvsavgerðarrætt sum tjóð. Hvat liggur í hesum sjálvsavgerðarrættinum er tó ein heilt annar spurningur.
English Summary
Titte: Are the Faroese a Nation? Recent ly the question of the status of the Faroese as a Nation has resurfaced. It is argued that answer is rather se/fevident: of course, the Faroese constitute a Nation, and only the Faroese themselves can alter their own status as such. However, the article seeks to
clarify same ofthe terms used. Terms like People, Nation, State and NationState are examined, first, as defined in dictionaries, then, in the context of internationallaw. The use ofthere terms is analysedas they appear in legal and political context after the American and French revolutions, following
World War I, and World War II, in UN Treaties and, ultimately, in the workings of the Organisation for Security and Peace in Europe. In conclusion, the Faroese are said, beyond all doubt, to constitute a Nation with the right to se/f-determination. How this right can andshall be used, however, is another matter entirely. The Author, Halgir Winther Poulsen, holds a degree in Human Rights and is practising law in the Faroes. Has held several positions as member of important Faroese policy committees.