The Symposium on Sustainable Building Materials Engineering is organized by the Civil Engineering Department of the University of the Faroe Islands with coordination by Assoc. Prof. Karin Habermehl-Cwirzen. The event will take place in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, on 13-14 March 2025 and will feature experts from academia, both locally and internationally. The symposium will focus on innovative and eco-friendly solutions in building materials engineering.
The presentations on the first day will be live-streamed, and a streaming link will be provided upon request. In-person participation is limited to 30 persons.
The Symposium on Sustainable Building Materials Engineering is dedicated to fostering discussions on sustainable construction materials, innovative research, and modern engineering approaches. A special focus will be on CO2 reduction in construction. The symposium will serve as a knowledge-sharing hub for all interested in building materials; researchers, practitioners, industry professionals, university students, and high school students.
The Symposium on Sustainable Building Materials Engineering is funded by the novo nordisk foundation and organized by the University of the Faroe Islands. The organizers gratefully acknowledge the support from the novo nordisk foundation.
This two-day symposium consists of:
Day 1: Presentations covering various building materials. A highlight will be the official opening of the Building Materials Laboratory at the University of the Faroe Islands. Place: Hotel Brandan and iNOVA.
Day 2: Visits to local companies and institutions related to building materials, as well as a chance to experience the beautiful Faroe Islands.
Day 1-attendance without participation on Day 2 is an option.
The Symposium on Sustainable Building Materials Engineering welcomes researchers, engineers, practitioners, civil servants, and students in relevant fields. Participation is limited to 30 attendees ensuring a diverse representation from various sectors with an interest in building materials.
Participants may choose to contribute through posters or other relevant formats to share their work and ideas. If you wish to present a poster or another contribution, please indicate this in your registration email.
To register, please send an email to Karin at Please include any dietary restrictions in your email.
The symposium will be conducted in English.
There is no participation fee; however, availability is limited.
A prize will be awarded for the best student and high school student poster, recognizing outstanding contributions and innovative ideas in sustainable building materials engineering. Possible topics for student/high school student posters could include: Introduction to civil engineering in the Faroe Islands or Old and new types of building materials or Innovative future building materials.