In 2014 an in-depth seminar on intricate legal and technical aspects that relate to the regime of the continental shelf and its resources, tutored by leading international experts, was launched in the Faroe Islands. SACS 2014, 2015 and the 2016 academy gathered together students, researchers, diplomats and representatives from academia from all continents.
The University of the Faroe Islands and the African Institute of International Law have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding according to which enhanced cooperation is being established, the first step of which is the organization of the 2018 Summer Academy on the Continental Shelf, which is being held at the AIIL in Arusha, Tanzania during 21 – 28 April 2018.
World-leading scientific and legal experts with different professional and geographical backgrounds shall be lecturing throughout the week. The 2018 SACS is expected to host 32 participants. There is a possibility for fellowships for candidates from developing countries, which demonstrate exceptional credentials.
Upon successful completion of 2018 SACS, the participants are expected to being able to manifest a solid understanding of scientific and legal characteristics relating to the entitlement to the continental shelf, and to the delimitation of overlapping continental shelf entitlements, respectively. The participants will also be vested with a critical understanding of the regime applicable to the continental shelf, including the institutional framework governing the establishment of entitlement and the exercise of jurisdiction.
Any query on SACS can be addressed to:
Candidates from African countries are kindly advised to directly contact the African Institute of International Law, at:
Arusha International Conference Centre, Kilimanjaro Wing, 3rd Floor, P.O.Box 561, Arusha, Tanzania, Tel: +255 785 097 573 Website: