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Føroyskt úrtak
Greinin viðger føroyskt lógarmál. Mál er annað enn navnorð. Gott føroyskt mál krevur, at vit duga at byggja setningar, duga at náta sagnorð fyrisetingar saman og duga at orða okkum greitt. Tá vit nýta málið at smiða lóg, mugu vit bæði hugsa um ásetingar og orðingar. Gamla lógarmalið var hópin lættari at lesa og segði kortini tað sama sum torskilda málið á okkara døgum.
English Summary
Title: Precedence and Prejudice. The article explores the doctrine af precedence as it appears in Faroese law. It is an ancient error, brought to the Faroese through Danish law, that judges should not make law. The better view is t hat the judges through their construction and interpretation
af the law eannot avoid creating law themselves. In ancient times in the Faroes it was customary for the judges 'to make right the law', adopting statutes ar customary law to new situations. Ifwe recognise this to be the case, it should be possible to formulate judgements better and make them more available. The status af the Faroes as a separate jurisdietion is in t his respect crucial. The article arguesfor at special duty to address questions af law in Faroese cases. The method af judgement writing in various jurisdietions is compared, and an improved method suitable to the Faroese circumstances is discussed.