Birita L. Poulsen
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Faroese Ratification of the European Social Charter
Føroyskt úrtak
Heiti: Føroysk staðfesting av Europeiska Sosiala Skjalinum — ein greinan av, um Føroyar skulu staðfesta Sosiala Skjalið. Endmálið við greinini er at kanna, um Føroÿar skulu taka undir við Europeiska Sosiala Skjalinum ella ikki, og um tær so gera, hvørjar partar av Skjalinum Føroyar skulu staðfesta. Føroyar kunnu bæði staðfesta upprunaskjalið frá 1961 og endurskoðaða skjalið frá 1996, og kunnu enntá velja at taka undir við ávísum ásetingum í skjølunum báðum.
Greinin metir, at Føroyar longu halda øll stykkini í frrstu grein, grein 6, stykkini 1, 2 og 3. Grein 12, stykkini l, 2 og 3, og grein 12, stykkini 2 og 3. Harímóti eru fleiri ásetingar, ið kunnu sigast ikki at halda, sum er. Hesar ásetingar fevna um fleiri ymisk Øki innan arbeiðsmarknað, heilsuverk og almannaverk.
Høvundin vísir tí á, at tað ikki verður uttan trupulleikar, at Føroyar taka undir við Sosiala Skjalinum. Men hóast føroysk staðfesting hevði ført við sær øktar byrðir, bæði tá ræður um at smíða lógir og atfrrisita, so er tað spell, at Skjalið ikki er sett í verk í Føroyum. Tí føroysk staðfesting hevði styrkt sosialu rættindini hjáfólki í Føroyum, tryggja áhugan hjá almennum stovnum frri sosialum rættindum, og gjørt, at vit fingu bæði hjálp og ábreiðslurfrá Europaráðnum.
Føroingar áttu tl' at tikið stØðu til, hvørjar ásetingar vit longu lúka, og hvørjar vit vilja taka cí okkum í næstum, og staðfesta hesar.
English Summary
The purpose of this article is to find out whether the Faroe Islands should ratify the European Social Charter or not and, if so, to which extent the Faroe Islands should ratify the Charter, that is which articles ofthe Charter should be ratified and whether the Faroe Islands should ratify the original Charter of 1961 or the Revised Charter of 1996.
The Faroe Islands can be expected to be in compliance with all three paragraphs of article I of the Charter, Article 6 paragraph l, 2 and 3, Article 12 paragraph 1, 2 and 3 and Article 13 paragraph 2 and 3.
On the other hand, the Faroe Islands may not be in compliance with article 5 and article 6 paragraph 4 because of the fact that certain kinds of civil servants are not allowed to strike. Concerning article 6 paragraph 4 there could also be a problem concerning the cooling-off periods that are required in regard to collective action. Similarly, there could be a problem concerning Article 12 paragraph 4 concerning equal treatment for the nationals of other Contracting Parties with respect to social security and Article 13 paragraph I concerning the 6 weeks waiting period before citizen from other member states ofthe Charter can get treatmentfrom the Faroese health system and paragraph 4 concerning equal treatment of citizen of the member states in regard to social and medical assistance. Finally, it is doubtful whether the Faroe Islands are in compliance with Article 16 of the Charter concerning family benefits, kindergarten places for children, housing policy.
From the above mentioned it can be concluded that it will not be without difficulty for the Faroe Islands to ratify the European Social Charter. However, even if the Faroe Islands would be in breach of many of the key Articles and ratification would mean a larger workload for the Faroese administration, it can be said to be regrettable if the Faroe Islands did not ratify the Charter at all, as it contains many advantages. If the Faroe Islands ratifies the Charter, it would strengthen social rights on the Islands. It would be possible to a greater extent to focus the minds ofthe Parliament and Executive on social rights of the citizens. The authorities would have to consider social rights and improve the legislation and practice concerning these rights, or else they would receive recommendations from the Committee ofMinisters, which would reflect badly on the Faroe Islands. To ratify the Charter could give the Faroe Islands more credibility and respect in the international society, as the other member states of the Couñcil of Europe would know that the Faroe Islands are a developed welfare society complying with many ofthe key articles ofthe Charter.
It can be concluded that it is advisable that the Faroe Islands ratify the
Articles ofthe original Charter, which the Islands are in compliance with. If Denmark subsequently ratifies the revised Charter, the Faroe Islands could ratify the corresponding Articles in the revised Charter, although, the collective complaints procedure, should first be ratified when the time is readyfor it.