Kári á Rógv
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Fíggjarvald, figgjarlóg og figgjarrættur
Føroyskt úrtak
Greinin lýtur at upprunanun til ásetingarnar um figgjarætlan og figgjarvald í stýrisskipanarlógini. Serliga verða hugtakið figgjarlóg' ført aftur til at dansku bispur sera skapandi skrivaði av nakrar ásetingar undir ruðulleika og kollveltingardámi í 1948. Verandi ásetingar verða greinaðar við ti' fyri eyga at finnafram til, hvussu hóskandi og egnaôar tær eru cí okkara døgum við týðandi broyttum og vaksnum almennum sektori samanborið við tíðina, tá hesar ásetingar vórðu av frrstun tíð ritaðar. Høvundin hggur serliga at serligum og óheftum stovnum, tá hann leitarfram tey atlit, ið veruliga kunnu útleiðastfrá stjórnarásetingunum. At enda tekur greinin fram Landsbankan sum dømi um, hvørjar misskiljingar og skeivar analysur sum ein ov bókstavatrúgv tulking kan viðføra. Hjálagdar eru til tess at seta trumfá tær sambarligu svensku ásetingarnar, ið eru broyttar, eftir høvundans meting, so at tær endurspegla eina skilagóða nútíðar fatan av stjórnarásetingunum um landsinsfiggjarætlan ogfiggjarvald.
English Summary
Title: The Finance Powers, the Budget and Fiscal Law (the title plays on the prefix figgjar', meaning 'financial', appearing in these terms in Faroese. The article surveys the origins of the constitutional provisions on budget and financial matters in the Faroe Islands. Especially the term 'Finance Law' instead of 'Budget' is traced back to creative copying by a Danish bishop in the revolutionary confusion of Denmark in the year of 1848. The current provisions are analysed with the intent of finding out how appropriate andfitting they are in todays sircumstances with a substancially different and larger public sector compared to the times when the constitutional budget provisions were originally drafted. The author makes particular reference to independant and special agencies in finding out which substantial criteria can actually be deduced from the constituional text. Finally, the article dwells on the Faroese National Bank as a case study of the misconceptions andflawed analysis that an over reverence for the letter of the constitutional texts can lead to. Included are for good measure the equivalent Sweedish provisions that have been changed to reflect, in the auther's opinion, a proper modern understanding of constituional provisions on the National Budget and the Finance Powers.