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Føroyskt úrtak
Greinin snýr seg um nýliga stovnaða fasta gerðarrætt. Arbeiðmarknaðarlóg í Føroyum hevur leingi verið merkt av, at ikki nøktandi skipan var fyri trætumál í sáttmálaskeiðnum. Trætur um kollektiv stríðsstig, brot á kollektivar arbeiðsmarknaðarsáttmálar og marknamál millum sáttmálaøki vóru ikki løtt at loysa, tí ongin serfrøðistovnur hevur verið tøkur eins og í hinum norðanlondunum. Langt um leingi er nú fasti gerðarrættur settur á stovn við sáttmála millum flestu føroysku fakfeløgini (arbeiðgevara- og løntakarafeløg). Skipanin er tó gjørd so víð, at hon eisini býður seg fram sum rættarskipan í málum um tulking av sáttmálum og øðrum trætumálum, ið eftir venju higartil eru latin ad hoc gerðarrættum at loysa. Tískil sameinir tann føroyska skipanin fleiri funksjónir í somu skipan enn gjørt verður
í grannalondunum, vónandi við samsvinnu, royndari gerðarrættarlimum og samskipaðari menning av føroyskari arbeiðsmarknaðarlóg sum úrsliti. Høvundin var formaður í arbeiðsbólkinum, ið smíðaði sáttmálan um fasta gerðarrætt
English Summary
The article is on the newly established Permanent Industrial Tribunal of the Faroe Islands. Employment law in the Faroe Islands has been marked for a long time by a lack of dispute resolution mechanisms. Disputes over collective industrial action, breach of collective labour agreements and border issues relating to different such agreements have not been easily dealt with, as there has been no specialised industrial tribunal for such cases as is the case in the other Nordic countries. At long last such a tribunal has been established by a collective agreement entered into by most of the Faroese labour market organisations (various associations of employers and employees). The system created also provides for a forum for the labour disputes relating to interpretation of collective labour agreements and other issues
that have traditionally been submitted to ad hoc tribunals. Thus, the new Faroese regime unites more functions into one forum than in the other Nordic countries, hopefully providing the basis synergy, a more experienced panel and coordination in the development of Faroese collective employment law. The author has chaired the committee that drafted the agreement to establish the tribunal.