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Kl. 23:55. Náttúruvísindadeildin, Vestara bryggja 15 í Havn Skeið

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Evstamark: Skeið í landmáting

23. oktober er tilmeldingarfreist til skeið í grundleggjandi landmáting á Fróðskaparsetri Føroya.

Skeiðið verður fyriskipað av Deplinum fyri staðsetingarfrøði, og tað verður Gethin Wyn Roberts, professari í landmátingarverkfrøði, sum fer at undirvísa. Avtala er gjørd við Geoteam Danmark um lán av tólum til skeiðið.

Talan er um undirvísing frá 31. oktober til 3. november.

Hetta skeiðið er ikki ECTS-gevandi enn, men verður tað eftir ætlan næsta ár sum valfak hjá teimum, ið lesa verkfrøði á Náttúruvísindadeildini.

Skeiðið er í fýra dagar og fevnir um grundleggjandi ástøði og verkligar venjingar. Undirvísingin í ástøði verður á enskum,  meðan kjakini og verkligu venjingarnar verða á føroyskum og enskum máli.

Skeiðið kostar 4.500 krónur, og tá er miðmáli íroknaður.

Hava tit spurningar, sendið so teldupost til Irenu Áarberg á irenaa@us.fo

Umsóknarfreist er 23. oktober.

Meldið til her.

Lesið meira um skeiðið niðanfyri:

Geospatial Centre of the Faroe Islands; Short course on Basic Land Surveying

Dates, 31 October to 3 November 2022

The short course is aimed at people who are new to the surveying sector, as well as those with experience but no formal training.  The course will take place over a period of four days, comprising of basic theory as well as practical exercises using total stations and levelling instruments.  The theory will be given in English, whilst discussions and practical classes will be in both English and Faroese.

The course will be held at and in colloboration with Náttúruvísundadeildin, Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, at Sjóvinnuhúsið, Vestara Bryggja 15, 5. hædd in Tórshavn.


The course aims to:

Introduce students to the fundamentals of surveying as they are currently applied to engineering and land surveying

Give students some opportunities to practice the techniques learnt, and

Prepare students for practical surveying such as is included in the surveying profession and the construction industry.

By the end of the module students should:

Be familiar with common survey instruments and possess some technical skills, knowledge of basic error sources and limitations, and understand field observation techniques.  Understand provision of control by traversing, measurement of planimetric detail and height, and associated computational methods.  Understand site setting-out methods including site conventions, associated computations. Students will also have an understanding of health and safety requirements relevant to typical surveying.

Have a basic understanding of quantity and computation.


Introduction to basic trigonometry

Introduction to coordinates: using angles and distances to derive coordinates. 

The fundamentals of a theodolite/total station. 

Principles of levelling; practical aspects booking and reduction, write a spread sheet to calculate and adjust levelling. 

Principles of angle measuring; practical aspects; booking and reduction. 

Principles of traversing; practical aspects booking and reduction. 

Principles of detail surveying, practical aspects, booking and reduction. 

Fundamentals of setting out in Civil Engineering. 

Principles behind calculating areas.  


The cost of the course is 4500 kr.  This includes lunches.  An invoice will be sent to the applicant or their company.


Registration for the course should be made through the attached form.  Further details about the course will be sent to applicants upon registration. Deadline for registration is on 23rd of October. Do to the pratical nature of the course, there is a limit to the number og students.


Enquiries should be made through Irena Àarberg (irenaa@us.fo)

 The Geospatial Centre of the Faroe Islands

The Geospatial centre is a joint initiative between the University of the Faroe Islands, Umhvørvisstovan and Landsverk.  Its aims are to support and bring together people with interests and work involving geospatial activities, including land surveying, GNSS, GIS, hydrography.  Regular forums and short courses are arranged by the centre.

sunnudagur 23. okt., kl 23:55
31. oktober - 3. november
Náttúruvísindadeildin, Vestara bryggja 15 í Havn