Zakarias Wang
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Rikisrættarstøða Grønlands og Føroya
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I dóminum tann 5. apríl 1933 í málinum millum Danmark og Noreg um altjóòa rcettarstøðu Eysturgrønlands legði Tann fasti dómstólurin fyri millumtjóòa Rættargang í Haag m. a. til grund fyri avgerð síni, at Grønland, Føroyar og Island fyri friòarsáttmálan í Kiel tann 14. januar 1814 hoyrdu Noregi til. Í hesi framløgu verður greitt frá, hvørjar avleiðingar henda grundgeving hevur fyri núverandi ríkisrættarstøðu Grønlands og Føroya. Sum norskir landslutir fram til 1814 var tann galdandi norska stjórnarskráin, arvaeinaveldislógin frá 7. august 1661/28. juli og 7. august 1662, eisini galdandi fyri teir. Henda stjórnarskrá gav kongi alt lóggevandi vald, men onga heimild til at broyta ta stjórnarskrá, sum ríkisdagurin hevòi givið. Tað verôur ávíst, at tær stjórnarskráir fyri danska kongsríkið, sum eru settar 1' gildi 1' Grønlandi og Føroyum, bert eru settar 1' verk av ti' vanliga lóggávuvaldi, sum borgararnir hava givið kongi sínum. Víst verður å, at filll semja er millum allar ríkisrcettarhøvundar um, at tar) ber ikki til at broyta ella taka av stjórnarskrá vit) vanligari Iög. er tí, at tað er stjórnarskráinfrcí 1661/62, sum er galdandi fyri Grønland og Foroyar. Henda fåtan verður undirbygd av tí, at allar lógir, sum settar eru 1' gildi .frri Grønland og Føroyar 1814, eru komnar til vega sambært reglunum 1' stjórnarskránni frá 1661/62. At enda verôur spurnartekin sett vic), hvort tað er samsvar millum tær skyldur, Danmark viÔ sáttmálum hevur átikiô sær mótvegis altjó()arættarsamfelagnum til at virka fyri demokratiskum stýrislag, og so taÒ, at Danmark ikki enn hevur sær) til, at Grønland og Føroyar cí demokratiskan hått hava fingiÔ nýggja stjórnarskrá.
English Summary
In its judgement ofApril 5, 1933, in the case between Denmark and Norway with regard to the legal status of East Greenland, the Permanent Court of International Justice in the Hague based its decision partly on the fact that Greenland, Faroe, and Iceland belonged to Norway until the peace treaty signed in Kiel on January 14, 1814. This article describes the consequences ofthis ratio decidendi fòr the present constitutional status of Greenland and Faroe. As part and parcel of Norway, the Norwegian Constitution before 1814, the Hereditary Absolute Monarchy Act of 1661/1662, applied to Greenland and Faroe in 1814. This constitution gave the King of Norway legislative power, but not the power to change the constitution laid down by the Rigsdag. It is shown that the constitutions of the kingdom of Denmark, which later on have been proclaimed in Greenland and Faroe, in this area only have been promulgated on the King's authority. Refèrence is made to the /åct that constitutional accounts agree that it is impossible to alter a constitution by ordinary legislation. Therefòre, it is concluded that the constitution of• 1661/1662 still applies to Greenland and Faroe, which is fitrther confirmed by the fåct that all laws promulgated in Greenland and Faroe in the entire period since 1814 have been passed in accordance with this constitution. Finally the question is posed of• whether it is compatible with Denmark's responsibilities to the international community to omit to ensure that Greenland and Faroe are given a new constitution in a proper democratic manner