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Zakarias Wang 

Føroyskt úrtak
Greinin viðger spurningin um, hvør upprunin er til ta stjórnarskrá, sum varð samtykt í Danmarkar ríki 1661 og í Noregs ríki 1661/62. Nógv bendir á, at rekmátturin í tí gongd, sum gjørdi, at henda stjórnarskrá kom í lag, hevur verið Hannibal Sehested, sum 1642-51 hevði verið stathaldari í Noreg. Motivið kann hava verið ynskið um at fáa javnvág í viðurskiftini millum tey bæði kongsríkini í uniónini frá 1450, Noreg og Danmørk, tí tað var fortreytin fyri at styrkja Noreg, sum var tann parturin av uniónini, sum hevði størstu menningarmøguleikarnar. Hetta skuldi fáast í lag við eini demokratiskari gongd, har stættarting í ríkjunum høvdu avgerandi lutverkið. Tann, sum forkom hesum møguleika var Kristoffur Gabel, ið 1665 fekk kong at seta Peter Schumacher at skriva kongslógina, ið segði at kongur skuldi stýra einsamallur. Ikki fyrr enn í 1849 kom í Danmark tann stjórnarskrá við fólksins luttøku, sum Sehested hevði havt í hyggju, og í tí við deilstatin Danmark sameinda deilstatin, Grønland og Føroyar, er henda demokratiseringsgongd framvegis ikki sett í verk, tí tann felags myndugleiki, sum hevði kunnað gjørt eina stjórnarskrá fyri hendan deilstat, er ikki settur á stovn enn.

English Summary
This paper treats the origines of the constitutions which were decided on in the two kingdoms of Denmark (1661) and of Norway (1661/62). Much indicates that the moving force in the process of passing these constitutions was Hannibal Sehested, who 1642-51 had been governor of Norway. The motiv has possibly been to get equality between the two kingdoms in the union of 1450, because that was the precondition for a rapid development of Norway, which was the state with the greatest growth potential. The plan was to reach this goal through a democratic procedure, with assemblies of the Estates in the realms having a leading role. The person responsible for the fiasco of this possiblility was Christopher Gabel, who in 1665 got the king to order Peter Schumacher to write a constitution which gave the king absolute power. Not until 1849 did Denmark get the democratic constitution wich Sehested had wanted, and in the other state in the union (Greenland and Faroe), this democratic development is not started, because a constitutional convention is not elected yet.