Instructions for Submitting
As explained on the “Call for Submissions” page, the 16th Polar Law Symposium is organized around three types of sessions: lectures, seminars, and workshops, but submissions for short lectures will also be accommodated.
IMPORTANT! The deadline for submissions in all categories has been extended to July 31st, 2023.
Submitted lectures are scheduled in 60-minute slots and should be 30-40 minutes in length, with the remainder of the time devoted to questions and discussion. These are, in other words, “full-length” lectures suitable for eventual publication as articles in the 2023 Yearbook of Polar Law or other such venues. 40 minutes is specified as the maximum presentation time. The author should identify the lecture as belonging to the “Life World” or “Law World” line of the Symposium. Those offering lectures for presentation on the Symposium program should send a proposed lecture title and an abstract of 300-500 words to the Symposium organizers by email to Jóhan Lamhauge <> not later than 31 July 2023. The subject line of your email message should read “Submission for the 2023 Polar Law Symposium”. To submit a proposal for a lecture, please use the Proposal for a Lecture Form, downloadable here.
Submitted short lectures are lectures with delivery times of 15-20 minutes (20 minutes maximum). The Program Committe will endeavor to accommodate these within panels that will fill time slots originally allotted to seminars. While we prefer submissions in the other three categories, this has proven difficult for a number of prospective participants, and so submissions for short lectures will now be accommodated. Those offering short lectures for presentation on the Symposium program should send a proposed lecture title and an abstract of 100-200 words to the Symposium organizers by email to Jóhan Lamhauge <> not later than 31 July 2023. The subject line of your email message should read “Submission for the 2023 Polar Law Symposium”. To submit a proposal for a short lecture, please use the Proposal for a Lecture Form, downloadable here. This is the same form as used for full lectures. If you are submitting a proposal for a short lecture, the abstract to be provided on the filled-out form may, as mentioned, be 100-200 words. When submitting your form as an email attachment, please state clearly in the email text that you are submitting a proposal for a SHORT LECTURE.
Proposals for seminars are to be submitted by a Convener on behalf of all active participants. The Convener should specify the topic, and title, of the proposed seminar, along with a brief explanation (prospectus) of no more than 100 words. Prior to submission, the Convener must have recruited three colleagues, each committed to presenting a paper (15-20 minutes) with a maximum delivery time of 20 minutes in the seminar session. Each of the papers should fit the announced topic and should be somehow coordinated with the other two papers. In addition to the topic of the proposed seminar and the 100-word prospectus, the Convener should specify the names, titles, and institutional identity of each of the proposed speakers, along with the proposed titles of each of their proposed papers and an abstract of up to 300 words of each. The Convener should should identify the seminar as belonging to the “Life World” or “Law World” line of the Symposium. Seminars are scheduled in 90-minute slots, wherein the Convener should very briefly introduce the Seminar and the speakers and moderate the session. 30-45 minutes should be available for discussion which may proceed following each of the papers or may be held at the end, as the Convener decides. Proposals for seminars should include the abovementioned items and should be submitted to the Symposium organizers by email to Jóhan Lamhauge <> not later than 31 July 2023. The subject line of your email message should read “Submission for the 2023 Polar Law Symposium”. To submit a proposal for a seminar, the Convener should use the Proposal for a Seminar Form, downloadable here.
Proposals for workshops are to be submitted by a Convener on behalf of all active participants. The Convener should specify the topic, and title, of the proposed workshop, along with a brief explanation (prospectus) of no more than 100 words. Prior to submission, the Convener must have recruited two colleagues, each committed to sending a paper to be discussed at the workshop for posting on this web site by 30 September 2023 at the latest, and the Convener commits to insuring delivery. Each of the papers should fit the announced topic. The submission should should specify the names, titles, and institutional identity of each of the proposed authors, along with the proposed titles of each of their proposed papers and an abstract of up to 300 words of each, and the Convener should should identify the workshop as belonging to the “Life World” or “Law World” line of the Symposium. Workshops are scheduled in 140-minute slots, wherein the Convener is to very briefly introduce the Workshop and the speakers and moderate the session. In the workshop, each author will present an introduction to her/his paper of up to 20 minutes, after which time will be available for approximately 50 minutes of discussion by participants who have presumably already read the paper. Proposals for workshops should include the abovementioned items and should be submitted to the Symposium organizers by email to Jóhan Lamhauge <> not later than 31 July 2023. The subject line of your email message should read “Submission for the 2023 Polar Law Symposium”. To submit a proposal for a workshop, the Convener should use the Proposal for a Workshop Form, downloadable here.
A general note on submissions: From the 1st of January 2023, submissions will be received by the organizers and will be vetted for quality, pertinence, and suitability by the Organizing Committee, once during each month. They may be rejected or accepted at that time. Thus, early submission is advantageous to those who submit prior to the deadline of 31. July 2023. There is the prospect that the schedule will become full before the deadline. Submissions will be accepted conditionally pending registration and fee payment by all active members of the proposed session. When all are registered, acceptance will become final.
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